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MyChart Redesign

During the pandemic, UCSD students find it difficult to grasp vital COVID-19 information and services in the MyChart App, increasing the anxiety under the context of limited access to on-site medical facilities.


MyChart is a comprehensive medical portal used by UCSD health to provide direct access to medical record and facilitate communication between students and their healthcare providers. The core redesign focuses on the information accessbility so that UCSD students can easily locate the services and resources related to COVID-19 when needed.

UX/UI designer

User research, UX flowchart, lo-fi wireframing, user testing, interaction, hi-fi prototype
UCSD Health

The problem

How can MyChart help UCSD students stay connected with the available COVID-19 related resources?
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Jeremiah is an imaginary UCSD third-year student in our persona. After returning to California, he notices two of his roommates showed Covid symptoms, and one of them tested positive. While Jeremiah just received an in-person internship offer, he worries what if he’s infected as well.
Will Jeremiah lose this valuable opportunity?
With the urgency to get tested, he finds out the waiting line in the UCSD Student Health Center is too long. He can’t spend all day waiting in the line because he has classes to take. Jeremiah’s anxiety to lose his internship overwhelms him. He needs some immediate professional help.

"I have never been so stressed in my college life."

Jeremiah isn't the only student feeling frustrated and directionless. Alleviating students’ stress caused by the pandemic, our redesign targets two main tasks
Stay updated with the availability of self-test kit and testing locations 
Deliver guidance on actions individuals can make while waiting for COVID-19 testing availability

User Research

In order to evaluate the performance of MyChart's navigation and ease of use, we used semi-structured interviews and surveys to conduct user research on 64 UCSD students.

While 57% participants are using MyChart to get information about COVID-19,

56% of them couldn't locate the desired COVID-19 info within a few taps,

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57% participants

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57% participants

63% of them were overwhelmed by the comprehensive services when selecting the right one. 

Why does the navigation process complicate information searching increasing UCSD students' stress?

3 Pain Points

Scattered COVID-19 information

It’s challenging to recall the specific feature entry linked to a particular resource. COVID-19 info is everywhere.

Cluttered info layout

Key info buried under less relevant content, complicating navigation.

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Lack of access to the alternative testing option

There are self-test kits available in the vending machines across the campus, but students are unaware of how many kits are left unless they go check it out.

In response to these challenges, I created a flowchart that outlines a streamlined navigation path for accessing COVID-19 resources.


Idea Validation

Before designing the final product, we want to validate our ideas. We conducted A/B user test in the lo-fi wireframing and the original interface using the semi-structured interview on 10 UCSD students. Here's what we found.

The dashboard, featuring the Visits section, allows users to quickly schedule appointments if they know what they need upon opening the app.


Once users explore the path of COVID-19 section, they are more likely to make a decision on scheduling a COVID-19 test or vaccine after viewing their COVID-19 Test Results and COVID-19 Vaccination Record, especially if they question their COVID-19 test accuracy or notice an upcoming COVID-19 vaccination due.


Therefore, the option to schedule has been strategically placed after users view their COVID-19 test results and COVID-19 vaccination details for convenience and efficiency.



Based on the usability testing, we created hi-fi prototype in Figma. The original interface and the hi-fi prototype are presented below. I hide the personal info displayed in the original interface for privacy purpose.


Original Interface
Search COVID-19 section under Menu. Unsure what the QR code is until tapping. Unclassified message and update clusttered together. Unrelevant content displayed at the bottom.
One tap to COVID-19 section. Scan COVID-19 vaccination QR code right away. View important update and message from care providers. Less distracted by the unrelevant content.

COVID-19 Screen

Original Interface
Incomplete COVID-19 test result displayed. No update on COVID-19 vaccination progress. Broad category classification in Helpful Resources.
Get update on COVID-19 vaccination and test result progress. Follow care instructions based on needs. 

Schedule COVID-19 Test Path

Original Interface
Less flexible to choose the test locations (on campus vs off campus). 
Less distracted by different types of appointments. Skip the line. Check the availability of self-test kits. Get a self-test kit from the vending machine. 
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